Food, Eating & Healthy Living
Your life expectancy, in quality as well as years, now depends on whether, and to what degree, you are prepared to improve your lifestyle.
Ross Horne in The Health Revolution
Natural News
A site jam packed with articles on natural alternatives to the commercial "medical" madness, good eating and interviews with leading raw food and alternative health advocates. If you've got some time on your hand this is truly a great place to do some quality reading.
Natural News TV
A huge collection of videos offering alternative health and lifestyle information instead of the usual corporate-sponsored nonsense disseminated by the mainstream television and news media.
The Basics of Healthy Eating
A nice, simple introduction to the basics of a healthy diet from macro- (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) to micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals etc.).
Acid-Alkaline Balance
High levels of internal acidity weakens the body and can cause disease - a discourse on the importance of maintaining an alkaline pH balance in the body.
The Urban Sprout
News, events and a directory of South African eco-friendly and organic products and suppliers.
Not Milk
You knew it all the time, right? Dairy is definitely not the wonder food 'they' promised would make your bones big and strong. If you didn't know, or aren't convinced yet, spend some quality time reading the articles on this site, including the 'The Famous Milk Letter'!
Eat To Live
A massive site chock-full of articles and information about improving your health and preventing and reversing disease by Dr Joel Fuhrman, author of the book 'Eat to Live'.
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Why We Get Fat (And What To Do About It)
Sugar, insulin, hormones and their role in your body's exquisitely complex fat regulation system.
Salt Sugar Fat-How the Food Giants Hooked Us
Our unhealthy addictions to processed food are deliberately and scientifically engineered for profit.
Healthy at 100
A detailed look at the diets, lifestyles and social habits of world's healthiest, happiest and longest-lived peoples.
The Food Revolution
How your diet can help save your life and our world - eating for longevity, health and ecological sustainability.
Eating Well For Optimum Health
Dr Andrew Weil clarifies the conflicting news, research, and hype about diet, nutrition, and supplementation.
The Food Doctor
Written by two nutritionists, the book is packed with nutrition advice, case studies, and the health benefits of various foods.
Fit For Life
Healthy eating and exercise with an emphasis on proper food combining for lifelong health.
Eat to Live
Dr. Joel Fuhrman offers some advice for weight-loss and proper eating.
Healthy Aging
Dr Andrew Weil gives some inspirational and practical advice for healthy and active longevity.
Food Combining
A guide to intelligent food combining for better digestion and assimilation.
Diet and Nutrition
Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine thy food.
Hippocrates: 'Father of Modern Medicine'
Astro Nutrition
This site sells supplements but the blog has a huge number of really great, concise and clear guides to many aspects of healthy living, diet, fitness, supplements and nutrition.
SuperFoods 101
An introduction to superfoods and superherbs by David Wolfe. To be honest, we're not really sure about all this "superfood" stuff, but this dude is sure a good salesman!
USDA Food Nutrition Database
A reference site: Search the official USDA database for nutrition information about pretty much any food item you can name.
Nutrition Data
Another very comprehensive and detailed database displaying the macro and micro nutritional content of a huge range of foods, including Glycemic Load (GL) values and inflammation potential.
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Food Rules
Concise & practical. A perfect beginner's guide to changing your eating habits and how you think about food: "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants"
New Optimum Nutrition Bible
An incredibly comprehensive volume packed full of information on the utritional aspect of food.
From seed to glass: a complete guide to maximising health with 'nature's finest medicine'.
The Hippocrates Diet
Eating for healthy living and healing by Dr Ann Wigmore, the woman who made wheatgrass juice famous.
Superfoods RX
Fourteen 'super' foods for a longer, healthier and more energetic life. But well grown, fresh food is still most 'super' of all for me though.
Sprouts: The Miracle Food
Everything you need to know about why and how to start your own kitchen garden by 'The Sprout Man'.
Enzyme Nutrition
Edward Howell's research findings on the role that food enzymes play in human digestion, health and longevity.
Conscious Eating
A comprehensive and authoritative bible on the subject of diet and live-food nutrition by Dr Gabriel Cousens.
Mad Cowboy
Plain truth from the cowboy cattle rancher who won't eat meat.
No More Bull
The "Mad Cowboy" targets Americans' worst enemy: Their Diet.
Juicing and Blending
I know that if I do not drink a sufficient quantity of fresh raw vegetable juices every day then, as likely as not, my full quota of nourishment enzymes is missing from my body.
Dr Norman Walker (lived to 99, disease free)
Single Gear Juicers
A brief introduction to single gear (auger) juicers (also known as "masticating" juicers). Once you've tasted the juice from one of these machines there's no going back!
Juicer Comparison Table
A table comparing the different features of a number of juicers. By the way, "Sampson" is the brand name that "Matstone" juicers (available from our online store) are sold under in the USA.
Blendtec Xpress
The web home of the incredible Blendtec Xpress - our favourite, ice-crushing, hard-core food blender. The US model (called "Home") is ever so slightly different, but these videos will give you the idea of how awesome this machine really is. Don't try doing any of that with that blender you bought from Game or Boardmans!
Blendtec Madness
Will it blend? A whole lot of totally crazy things NOT to try with your brand new, very expensive, soopadoopa Blendtec blender! But, hey, what a machine!
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The Juice Master
A fun, motivational, kick-up-the-backside guide to juicing, weight loss and healthy living.
The Ultimate Fast Food
Discover the power of raw juice - more inspiration from The Juice Master!
The Blending Book
Maximising nature's nutrients: Blending fruits and vegetables for better health by the founder of the Hippocrates Institute.
Super Duper Juice
A whole lot of tasty juice combo recipes named for the health benefits of their components. Good starter ideas.
The Juiceman's Power of Juicing
Jay Kordich cured himself of bladder cancer on an all juice diet and went on to pioneer the 'infomercial' on US television.
Green Smoothie Revolution
Victoria Boutenko gives a bit of background on the trend she started - one of the best ways to ingest raw nutrition.
A Raw Food Diet
If your blood is formed from eating pure foods, your brain will function in a manner that will surprise you....Your mind, your thinking, your ideals, your aspirations and your philosophy changes fundamentally in such a way as to beggar description.
Prof Arnold Ehret in Rational Fasting
Why Raw?
The incredible healing power of raw foods and juices. Explore Shirley's Wellness Cafe for all sorts of natural health and food related information.
Raw Family
The Boutenko family all embarked on a raw food diet years ago, beating diabetes, obesity, asthma and arthritis - their story, plus some resources and recipes and some inspiring books.
Superfoods Raw
A South African company based in Cape Town puts on 'raw events' and courses around the country to sell the concept and their wares.
Raw Food Talk
A raw food community based on Alissa Cohen's 'Living on Live Food' books and DVDs. Find advice, motivation and support from
others on the raw and living food diet.
New to Raw Food? Start Here...
An introduction to getting started on a raw food diet by Karen Knowler, the Raw Food Coach. Plus there's lots more information if you want to take it further.
A Raw Food FAQ
Some frequently asked questions and answers about living the raw foods lifestyle.
Raw Reform
Angela Stokes' incredible story and website dedicated to the raw food lifestyle. Truly motivational!
Raw Food Preparation
How not to cook your food...a quick reference table for raw food preparation. Lots more stuff to read on the site as well.
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Simply Raw
An amazing story: A bunch of folks reverse their diabetes in 30 days on a raw food diet. (DVD/Documentary)
Raw For Life
An A-Z encyclopaedia about the raw food lifestyle on 2 DVDs, especially suitable for beginners.
12 Steps to Raw Food
Victoria Boutenko's practical guide to the raw food lifestyle and breaking your addiction to cooked food!
Green for Life
Add rich leafy greens to your diet for healthier living and freedom from cravings!
Living Cuisine
An eloquent plea from a raw chef for sanity in food production and consumption with gourmet recipes.
The Complete Book of Raw Food
Another great starter book full of delicious vegetarian raw food.
Raw Food Made Easy
For 1 or 2 people: techniques and recipes for quick and easy meals. Raw food really is a simple option.
Raw: The Uncook Book
A guide to preparing gourmet raw cuisine made entirely from vegetarian and living foods.
BARF for Cats and Dogs
The 'Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods' diet for your dogs and cats. Of course - what else would they eat?
Raw Dog Food
A fun way to learn why and how to feed your dog the 'new' (actually really old) B.A.R.F. diet.
Fasting for Health and Healing
Fasting is the great panacea in nearly all ills to which flesh is heir. A short fast now and then will injure no one and benefit almost everybody...A trial will convince any one that this is so.
Dr. Hereward Carrington in Death Deferred...
There is hardly a time of life or a condition of body in which a fast cannot be helpful...everybody in civilised life can profit by an occasional fast of proper duration.
Dr. Herbert M Shelton
An Introduction to Fasting
A few short articles about the history and concepts of fasting, why we need to do it and what it can't do.
Fasting and Sunbathing
A good place to begin to get acquainted with the works and ideas of Dr. Herbert Shelton, Natural Hygienist, who supervised over 25 000 people in (water only) fasts of up to 68 days at his Health Clinic in Texas.
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The Science and Fine Art of Fasting
Without question the bible on fasting and its effects of health and revitalisation from THE authority, Herbert M Shelton.
Fasting Can Save Your Life
A more compact and easily readable version of his classic tome. An essential, practical guide and full of natural health wisdom.
Fasting & Eating for Health
A medical doctor's programme for renewing health and conquering disease.
Scientific Fasting
(Web) 1920 book by Dr. Linda Hazzard, outspoken against doctors who have 'too long studied disease and death to the exclusion of health and life'.
Vitality, Fasting & Nutrition
Old but comprehensive and inspiring study on how fasting unleashes the human body's healing powers.
Fasting for Health and Long Life
Explore more about fasting as a key to health and longevity. Olde worlde but still relevant.
The Fasting Path
A look at the spiritual, emotional and physical benefits of fasting.
Disease, Health and Natural Healing
The patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of their own life and responsibility for their own health. You cannot take your body to the doctor as if he were simply a repair shop.
Quentin Regestein
Doctor Yourself
"If you want something done right, do it yourself - this especially includes health care". The website of Dr Andrew Saul, advocate of high dose vitamin therapy and author of the empowering self-health books "Doctor Yourself" and "Fire Your Doctor," features tons of sane, non-drug-based, medical and alternative health information.
The Cure Zone
A huge site full of information about disease and alternative treatments. Also includes an interesting Master Cleanse forum. All sorts of stuff in here about all sorts of health and healing matters. Your mileage may vary. Ugly but encyclopaedic!
Natural News
A site jam packed with articles on natural alternatives to the commercial "medical" madness, good eating and interviews with leading raw food and alternative health advocates. If you've got some time on your hand this is truly a great place to do some quality reading.
Curing Cancer Naturally
Powerful stuff! Refreshing and comprehensive information about natural alternatives to the deadly "poison, cut and burn" approach of mainstream medicine to cancer treatment. Of course with the weight of money and power in the cancer 'care' industry any natural alternative is bound to be attacked and labelled "controversial". If you are threatened by cancer, for goodness sake research your options before poisoning your immune system and radiating your body!
Healing Cancer Naturally
Another large collection of resources and links regarding natural alternatives to the deadly 'consensus medicine' approach to curing cancer. Examine your options before it's too late. Sadly, most people turn to these promising alternatives only after their doctors finally give up on them. By then their body and immune system has been devastated by radiation, deadly poisonous "chemotherapy" and the removal of crucial body parts like lymph nodes and hope for recovery is slim.
The Water Cure
"You're not sick; you're thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication." Dr Batmanghelidj's website offers insights into the importance of water in human health and why proper hydration is vital to our well-being, keeping us healthy and pain-free.
Healing Without Drugs
Dr. Lorraine Day developed severe breast cancer and almost died - her supreme motivating factor for her recovery by natural methods, without chemotherapy, radiation or mutilating surgery. She now preaches healing without drugs and the lethal dangers of "therapeutic" drugs. If you are, or know someone, diagnosed with cancer, please be sure to watch watch the online video linked below.
Shirley's Wellness Cafe
Alternative, Holistic, Complimentary and Preventative Health Care for People and Animals. Oriented to self care, this free educational web site is dedicated to help promote natural health for humans and their animals - "First Do No Harm".
National Health Association and American Natural Hygiene Society
Their stated mission: to educate and empower individuals to understand that health results from healthful living. We recognize the integration of all aspects of health personal, environmental, and social.
We communicate the benefits of a plant-based diet, exercise and rest, a healthy environment, psychological well-being, and, when indicated, the use of fasting. We take a leadership role in advocating health freedom issues.
Reality Zone - Health
A number of links to really interesting information, videos, audio and books about alternative and natural medical therapies.
Gerson Therapy - Dr Max Gerson
Max Gerson was a hugely successful advocate of alternative, diet-based cancer treatments. Many books and brochures about him, his treatments and places where his method is practised are available here. He cured many "terminal" patients and for his troubles was hounded by the US Medical establishment, leading to his early death under suspicious circumstances.
The Hippocrates Institute
Founded by Ann Wigmore who was almost single handedly responsible for igniting the current interest in sprouts, sprouting and wheatgrass juice. The Hippocrates philosophy is founded on the belief that a pure enzyme-rich diet, complemented by positive thinking and non-invasive therapies, are essential elements on the path to optimum health.
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Doctor Yourself
A guide to natural healing that works - a guide to nutritional therapy with proven methods for combating almost every possible health condition.
Fire Your Doctor!
Nutritional supplements and natural diet saves money, pain and lives. Nutritional therapy and the latest scientifically validated supplement info.
Being Human
Ramesh Ramkumar provides some enlightening wisdom about being human and the workings and proper care and feeding of our bodies.
Cancer Proof Your Body
Really interesting perspective on food with an emphasis on health and preventing the development of cancers by Ross Horne.
You Can Heal Your Life
Practical steps for dissolving fear and the cause of disease. Louise shares her views on healing and how she cured herself of cancer.
Heal Your Body
AKA'The little blue book' - the physchological root of diseases and healing affirmations (a subset of You Can Heal Your Life).
Getting Well
Dr Herbert Shelton on the rationale of disease, natural healing and why drugs and surgery can never cure anything.
Nature of Animal Healing
Don't forget your pets' health now, they've entrusted you with their lives! The same holistic principles apply.
The Genie in Your Genes
Blaming your parents' genetic gifts for your health issues? Think again! Beliefs and emotions can trigger the expression of DNA. Amazing.
What Doctors Don't Tell You
Discover the truth about the pills and procedures doctors prescribe and find proven alternatives for diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
Beating Cancer with Nutrition
Patrick Quillin discusses both conventional and alternative therapies as well as related factors.
The Health Revolution
(Web) Really excellent and comprehensive study of health, diet, disease and natural healing by Ross Horne.
Dying to Have Known
(Video) A probing look at the Gerson Therapy, a powerful cancer therapy still suppressed more than 75 years after it was proven to cure degenerative disease.
World Without Cancer
(Video) A compelling look at cancer as a deficiency desease, Laetrile (Vitamin B17) and the conspiracy to suppress it.
The Science and Politics of Cancer
(Video) More about Laetrile and why it remains unapproved. Quackery or conspiracy?
How Healing Becomes a Crime
(Video) The Hoxsey treatment: an alternative cancer cure, and the forces suppressing it - Quack or Healer?